
The Train Track Less Traveled: What Is a Train Safari?

What is a Train Safari

Most of us understand the need to slow down, take a breath, and really dive into an experience
when on vacation—even if we don’t allow ourselves the opportunity as often as we’d like. And
one unusual way to do so is to take a train safari through Africa.

A train safari provides a rare opportunity to fully experience a bygone era. By traveling via train,
you can witness the wildlife in their natural environment. You’re immersed in the natural beauty
of a region.

Train safaris are growing in popularity in a number of countries around the world,
including Africa, where they offer a unique way to see the continent’s diverse landscapes and
wildlife, which can include seeing the Big Five as well as hippos, cheetahs, zebras, antelope, and
more, depending on the location and time of year.

What to Expect on a Train Safari

What is a Train Safari
Photo by Antony Trivet

On a train safari, travelers typically travel in air-conditioned train carriages with comfortable
seating that offer delicious dining experiences. The train may stop at various destinations along
the way to allow travelers to get off and explore the surrounding area or participate in
activities, such as game drives or walking safaris.

Often, train safaris find their way through national parks or other protected areas, where
travelers can observe a variety of wildlife. Some also offer stops to learn about the local
ecosystem and the efforts to preserve these precious environments, animals, and ways of life.

Train safaris are often known for their luxurious accommodations, world-class services, yet
relaxed atmospheres with comfortable observation lounges where you can drink in the sights
and take plenty of photos. You can find rail safaris to take you through South Africa, Namibia,
Mozambique, Botswana, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and more. Depending on the various
locations, you can expect to see a wide variety of landscapes, flora, and fauna.

What is a Train Safari
Photo by Harshil Gudka on Unsplash

What’s more, train safaris include opportunities to see a wide range of landscapes and wildlife
without the need to constantly pack and unpack. This allows travelers a greater opportunity to
relax and enjoy the journey while still experiencing all of the excitement a safari involves.

Traveling by train is also a more environmentally-friendly way to travel as trains have a lower
carbon footprint than other modes of transportation. So, they’re a great option for travelers
who want to experience the beauty of Africa in a unique, comfortable, eco-friendly way.

There are several types of trips available—from luxury options that take you back to a bygone
era with food and drink to more rugged adventures that get you up close to the natural

What is a Train Safari
Photo by Iurii Ivashchenko on Pexels

Trips can last just a few days to a few weeks. And many include places to step off the train and
spend a night or two in safari lodges, tented lodges, boutique camps, eco-camps, or adventure
camps, depending on the safari and your preferences.

Whichever train safari you choose, you can expect a trip like none other, filled with awe-
inspiring views, delicious meals, friendly conversations, and lifelong memories.

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